All About Earwax

Why do we produce earwax?

Cerumen, more commonly referred to as earwax, is a natural product of the ear. Earwax is produced to protect the ear, as it has lubricating and antibacterial properties. For many individuals, earwax is not an issue and it naturally works its way out of the ear canal. Therefore cleaning the ears is not necessary for most people.

The Dreaded Cotton Swab:

Use of cotton swabs etc. to clean the ears can lead to earwax impaction. Individuals who use cotton swabs on a regular basis believe they are cleaning their ears effectively, when instead they are actually pushing wax further into the ear. Over time, this “cleaning” can lead to wax impaction.

What else can cause wax impaction?

In addition to cotton swab use, wax buildup can arise due to regular use of hearing devices or earplugs, due to the natural shape of the ear canal that inhibits natural outward movement, or due to the age or developmental status of an individual.

What does impacted wax feel like?

Impacted earwax can lead to a feeling of fullness in the ears, pain in the ears, decreased hearing ability, or irritation in the ears. If an individual has these symptoms, a hearing care professional can confirm the presence of impacted wax by looking in the ears.

What is the best way to treat impacted earwax?

To treat impacted earwax, it is best to see a professional for removal. A variety of techniques can be used including suction, irrigation, or manual removal using tools. Based on observation of the ear, the professional will determine the best method of removal.

If you have concerns about impacted earwax or further questions, a professional at Superior Hearing will be happy to help!

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