Feedback: What is it? What can you do?

Feedback occurs when sounds leaving the ear find their way back to the hearing aid microphone and are reamplified causing a whistling sound. Some feedback is normal. For example, when inserting/removing your hearing aids from your ears or when holding up your hand to the hearing aid. However, sometimes feedback is a problem. Listed below are some of the common causes of feedback and the solutions to resolve it.

Possible cause of feedback: Solution:
Your hearing aid is not properly inserted into your ear Reinsert the hearing aid to see if the feedback is eliminated
The volume on your hearing aid is too high Turn down the volume
If your hearing aid has an earmold, the tubing might be damaged See your hearing care professional
The earmold on your hearing aid is too small See your hearing care professional
There is a buildup of wax in the ear canal See your hearing care professional to have it removed


Further questions? See your local hearing professionals at Superior Hearing!


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